Formation of a Single Phosphodiester Bond

The cytotoxin a-amanitin is a bicyclic octapeptide occurring in high concentrations in the deadly, poisonous mushroom Amanita phalloides. The primary cytopathogenicity of the amatoxins is the inhibition of RNA polymerase …

Haemopoietic growth factors

Blood consists of red and white cells which, along with platelets, are all suspended in plasma. All peripheral blood cells are derived from a single cell type: the stem cell …

The Research History of Peptide

All creatures, from the simplest viruses to humans, have complex protein structures that are made up of the same 20 amino acids. In the process of studying the proteins, biologists …

How to Read the Package Insert?

For drugs, the package insert is just as people’s “birth certificate”; it’s the certification all the drugs should carry when they are listed, which contains the most basic and important …

Somafostatin for Use

Pharmacological Effects: 1. It can inhibit the growth hormone, thyroid stimulating hormone, insulin, and pancreatic glucagon secretion. 2. It can inhibit gastric acid secretion stimulated by the test meal and …

Interesting Science Q&A

The research from academic community in science Q&A is endless, the research is beyond the information science, communication, sociology, computer science, as well as some other fields. Clearly, medical science …

Tips for Healthy Skincare

As is seen, daily skincare regimen has been regarded as a good way to ensure that the skin remains in the best possible health, regardless of the seasons. Clearly, most …