Ten Leading Causes for Aging

Since a long time, aging population is a worldwide problem and aging research has been paid more and more attention. In terms of modern high-tech, aging in our country appear increasingly prominent, which is harder to solve fundamentally. However, clarifying some misunderstandings on aging problems could be significant, as well as putting forward the concept of excessive aging.

aging1.Chronic inflammation always grows with the age, and more inflammation in human organs could occur such as arthritis. Actually, prevalence is not only in the joints, as well as the brain cells, arteries, heart valves and the like.

2.Many natural and man-made factors can result in genetic mutations. And as we grow older, treated mechanism of cells will become more and more erratic, which might cause gene malignant degeneration deterioration.

3.As a power station for depleted cells, mitochondria need certain chemical substances to ensure the viability of cells and remove the cell toxins. Obviously, if the charge procedure become weakened, then myocardial infarction, muscle tissue recession, chronic fatigue, or neurological diseases could develop.

4.As for hormone imbalance, millions of body cells can synchronize the work accurately under the support of these hormones. With aging process, this balance will become irregular, which could lead to a variety of diseases, including depression, osteoporosis, coronary artery disease.

5.Through special channels in the cell membrane, calcium ions out of the cell can play an important role in aging, because aging process can destroy the channel for calcium ions, leading to brain cells, heart valves, vascular wall in the accumulation of excess calcium.

6.In order to generate the energy for body, human body requires fatty acids. And essential fatty acids could be inadequate after growing older. Therefore, a series of aging signs will occur, such as irregular heartbeat, joint degeneration, fatigue, dry skin, basic fibroblast growth factor, etc.

7.Various enzymatic reactions are often existed in unbalanced intracellular synchronization. Year after year, it gradually loses the necessary balance. Such problem could first place in brain and liver, which is also the cause of a neurological disease or toxic tissue damage.

8.The lack of digestive enzymes could also be the possible reason. With aging, the pancreas gradually get exhausted and are unable to produce enough enzymes, causing chronic digestive insufficiency.

9.After years, capillary permeability starts to get destroyed, including the brain, eyes and skin. Thus, blood circulation failure might result in large and small stroke, vision loss, wrinkles, and so on.

10. As is seen, the oxidative stress has brought a lot of troubles for most people, especially the free radicals on aged people. Such reaction could affect the normal flow of many physiological processes, thereby increasing the burden on the body, causing various diseases.

Generally, population aging is the result of economic and social development, but it is not entirely a sign of progress. The essence of aging problem is the discordance and mismatch between the change of population age structure and economic and social development. Based on the fact, analyzing the basic characteristics of aging problem from process perspective might be helpful in delaying aging problems.