Inhibitor, also known as retarder, can block or reduce the rate of chemical reactions, owing the same effect as the negative catalyst. Inhibitor cannot stop the polymerization reaction but is able to slow down the reaction process, thereby inhibiting or mitigating chemical reactions. Many different types of inhibitors are used in modern technologies, such as negative catalytic reaction, the polymer compound inhibitor, plastics, rubber, oil and other antioxidants, foam inhibitors, gasoline seismic agents, corrosion buffer, etc.

For example, salicylic acid is added to food as the rancidity inhibitor, while certain polymers (e.g., methyl salicylate, etc.) are added to UV inhibitors for preventing deterioration due to absorption of ultraviolet light. Organic phosphorus esters are cholinesterase inhibitors in vivo. Some monomers in the polymer during storage and transport require adding inhibitors to prevent the self-polymerization. Actually, another application for inhibitor is medicine editor. Such substances belong to psychotropic drugs, including alcohol, opium, barbiturates and so on. These substances can inhibit or reduce the transmission of nerve impulses in the central nervous system, and so suppress (mitigation) mental and physical activities.
Clearly, according to different intake of alcohol, the effect is different. Possible reactions could be behavioral slow, noisy and talkative habit, curse, line violence, as well as complete depression. When it comes to a small dose, relaxation and improved speed on response action are enabled. Hourly functions of the human body usually explode about one ounce of alcohol, otherwise it will have a negative effect on the central nervous system that can affect thinking, memory, judgment, and lead to emotional disorders or even movement disorders.
More specifically, opium (opiate) is a general title, indicating the substance extracted from the immature seed pods of the opium poppy package pulp, including codeine and morphine. Such drug is capable of resulting in deep sleep and pain. In addition, it can also inhibit breathing, lower blood pressure, and the like. Taking heroin as an instance, it can get rid of the degenerative symptoms, causing a sudden warm, fatigue and trance. While in terms of barbiturate, at small doses it can reduce anxiety and make people feel calm, reducing muscle tremors; large doses can reduce the sleep time for REM.
Since the enzymatic activity can decrease without causing denaturation of the enzyme protein substances, it’s necessary to know more about inhibitor. Inhibitor and the enzyme active center should complete the multi-essential gene binding, thereby inhibiting the catalytic activity of the enzyme. However, in fact, based on the combination of enzyme inhibitors, more research work should be done, to discover more effective methods in inhibitor application.