Nanocyclic Peptide Library

* Please kindly note that our products and services can only be used to support research purposes (Not for clinical use).

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Creative Peptides is dedicated to providing cutting-edge nanocyclic peptide library related services to customers around the world. Because of their unique ring structure and diverse biological activities, nanocyclic peptides have become important tools in drug development, diagnosis and treatment. Our advanced technology platforms and dedicated teams enable our customers to achieve breakthroughs in research and development.

As a highly specialized compound collection, the core of nanocyclic peptide library is to contain a wide variety of cyclic nanoscale peptide chains. These unique molecular entities exhibit excellent bioactivity characteristics and physicochemical properties through their distinctive spatial configurations and complex interactions between molecules. As a result, they are the target of choice for nanotechnology, drug delivery systems, precision biosensing technologies, and other cutting-edge biomedical engineering fields, optimized and screened to meet the needs of these higher-order applications. Cyclic peptides, thanks to their strong ring structure and flexible biological effects, have emerged in the broad field of nanoscience research and become the focus. Each individual member of this sophisticated cyclic peptide library has the potential to carry unique physicochemical properties and highly specific biometrics, such as the ability to bind specifically to cell membrane receptors, facilitate the entry of nanoparticles into the cell interior, or act as the basic building block of primary responsive nanomaterials.

Remarkable advantages of nanocyclic peptide libraries

Structural diversity advantage

The library contains a large number of cyclic peptide molecules with varied structures. They are arranged and combined by different amino acid sequences to construct a variety of cyclic structures, which fully adapt to the diversity requirements in the complex needs of biometrics, intermolecular interactions and nanoassembly.

High stability and durability

Compared to linear peptide chains, ring-shaped peptide bodies are structurally more stable and resistant to enzymatic hydrolysis, thus ensuring the long-term survival of nanocyclic peptides in the physiological environment, which is critical for achieving long-term results in biomedical operations such as drug delivery.

Flexibility of function adjustment

By finely designing the amino acid sequence of cyclic peptides, scientists can effectively manipulate key properties such as hydrophobicity, charge distribution, and even secondary structure (such as α-helix and β-folding) to precisely direct how they interact with biomolecules at the molecular level, their ability to pass through cell membranes, and their assembly behavior at the nanoscale.

Precise customization for targeting

Some cyclic peptides can accurately recognize and bind to specific receptors or biomarkers on the cell surface, and this targeting mechanism greatly improves their potential as drug carriers or the construction of efficient biosensors, enhancing the precision and efficiency of therapeutic measures.

The potential for self-assembly is limitless

Many cyclic peptide molecules have demonstrated their ability to self-assemble into complex ultrastructures such as nanofibers, nanotubes, and nanoparticles, and these self-assemblies have shown their irreplaceable application value in the fields of drug packaging, complex tissue engineering construction, and nanoscale reactor design.

Biocompatibility and low toxicity guarantee

Nanocyclic peptides usually exhibit excellent biocompatibility, and their small size and precise synthesis strategies greatly reduce adverse effects on organisms, making them ideal candidates for in vivo applications.

Efficient and convenient design and simulation

Using advanced computer-aided design tools and molecular dynamics simulation techniques, researchers can quickly predict and optimize the structure and function of cyclic peptides, greatly accelerating the exploration and improvement process of novel cyclic peptide molecules, and opening up a broader way of innovation in the field of nanobiotechnology.

The wide application of nanocycle peptide library

A central role in the field of drug development

As a powerful resource for drug development and protein-protein interaction (PPI) research, nanocyclic peptide libraries are gradually showing their incomparable value. For example, the cysteine-targeting covalent fragment Library launched by the MCE International Station includes 3,108 unique fragment compounds, each equipped with covalent warheads specifically for different cysteine residues, including 84 carefully selected cyclic peptides, which are especially suitable for high-throughput screening (HTS) and high-content screening (HCS). It provides an efficient way for rapid identification of potential drug leads.

Structure of some cyclic peptides drugsFig. 1 examples of cyclic peptide drug.

Innovation in drug delivery systems

Cyclopeptide-modified polymer nanoparticles, such as PCL-PEG-cRGD, significantly improve the loading efficiency of hydrophobic drugs through exquisite molecular design, not only enhance the distribution and targeting of drugs in vivo, but also effectively reduce non-specific damage to normal tissues, marking a major advance in drug delivery systems.

Frontier exploration of tumor targeted therapy

Taking c(RGDfk) cyclic peptide as an example, by specifically binding to αvβ3 integrin receptors on the surface of tumor neovasculators, it provides "precise navigation" for drugs or nanocarriers directly to tumor lesions, greatly improving the accuracy and efficacy of treatment, and bringing innovation to tumor treatment strategies.

New dimensions of nanomaterials synthesis

With its unique structural properties, cyclic peptides have become an ideal building block for the synthesis of nanomaterials with special morphology and function, such as cyclic peptide nanotubes. These new nanomaterials have shown broad application prospects in many fields such as drug delivery and biological imaging, and have promoted the in-depth development of nanotechnology.

The depth of functional research and application

Through molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and other advanced technologies, the impact of cyclic peptide nanostructures on basic biological processes such as water transport and molecular recognition was deeply explored. At the same time, innovative technologies such as DnaBSplitIntein were used to construct efficient expression vectors, which injected new vitality into the functional research and application development of cyclic peptides in the field of nanotechnology.

Our services

Custom cyclic peptide synthesis service

According to the specific needs of our customers, we provide one-stop service from design to synthesis, whether it is a specific function such as targeting, cell penetration of the cyclic peptide, or with fluorescent labeling, isotope labeling, biotin labeling and other special modification of the cyclic peptide, can be customized.

High throughput screening services

Using cutting-edge screening techniques, including DNA-encoded cyclic peptide libraries, large-scale screening, covering from millions to billions of cyclic peptide structures, is designed to uncover candidate molecules with high biological activity.

Structural characterization and analysis

Provide comprehensive cyclic peptide structure confirmation services, including mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), X-ray crystallography and other high-end analysis methods to ensure the accuracy and quality of synthetic cyclic peptides.

Nano assembly and functionalization services

Assisting customers in the efficient assembly of cyclic peptides and various nanomaterials, such as nanoparticles and nanotubes, to facilitate innovative design and implementation of drug delivery systems, biosensors and other nanodevices.

Comprehensive assessment of biological activity

The bioactivity of cyclic peptides, including cell binding, endocytosis efficiency, biodistribution characteristics and pharmacokinetic parameters, was thoroughly evaluated to provide scientific basis for drug development and biomedical applications.

Construction of special nanocyclic peptide library

Advanced peptide information compression technology (PICT) is used to build a nanopyclic peptide library containing rich peptide information. At the same time, targeted cyclic peptide library customization services for specific diseases (such as cancer, inflammation) are used to facilitate targeted drug screening and research and development.

Technical support and cooperative R&D platform

We provide comprehensive technical support from project planning, synthesis strategy optimization to downstream application development, and actively seek partners to jointly promote cyclic peptide-based nanotechnology innovation and application in the biomedical field.


1. How are nanocyclic peptide libraries created?

Nanocyclic peptide libraries are created using combinatorial chemistry techniques, where diverse cyclic peptides are synthesized by linking amino acids in various sequences and forming a cyclic structure.

2. What are the advantages of cyclic peptides over linear peptides?

Cyclic peptides often exhibit greater stability, resistance to enzymatic degradation, enhanced binding affinity, and improved cell permeability compared to linear peptides.

3. What applications do nanocyclic peptide libraries have?

Applications include drug discovery, biomarker identification, therapeutic target validation, and development of diagnostic tools, especially for targets where cyclic peptides may offer superior performance.

4. How are nanocyclic peptide libraries screened?

Screening can be performed using techniques such as phage display, yeast two-hybrid systems, or high-throughput binding assays to identify cyclic peptides that interact with specific proteins or receptors.

5. Can nanocyclic peptide libraries be customized for specific research needs?

Yes, libraries can be customized based on specific research requirements, including the selection of particular amino acid sequences or modifications to enhance stability and activity.

6. How to store and use nanocyclic peptides?

The compounds in nanocyclic peptide libraries are usually provided in pre-dissolved solution or solid form and stored in specific containers, such as 96-well sample storage tubes and 384-well plates with screw caps. When used, different concentrations or compounds dissolved in different solvents can be selected according to experimental needs.

7. How do you ensure the quality and purity of the nanocyclic peptides in the library?

Quality and purity are ensured through rigorous synthesis protocols, purification processes (such as HPLC), and analytical methods like mass spectrometry to verify the composition and cyclic structure of each peptide.

8. How long does it take to receive a custom nanocyclic peptide library?

The time frame depends on the complexity and size of the library, typically ranging from a few weeks to a couple of months from the order date to delivery.

9. What support do you offer for customers using nanocyclic peptide libraries?

We provide comprehensive support including consultation on library design, screening strategies, data analysis, and follow-up studies to validate and optimize hits from the screening.

10. Can nanocyclic peptide libraries be used for in vivo studies?

Yes, identified cyclic peptides often require further optimization for in vivo stability and efficacy. Delivery systems or formulations might be needed to enhance in vivo performance.

* Please kindly note that our products and services can only be used to support research purposes (Not for clinical use).
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