HLA-A_02_01 EBV BALF4 tetramer-FLDKGTYTL-BV421 labeled

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 Taltirelin is a thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) analog that binds the brain BRH receptors in vivo. Taltireli ...

of skin aging  Natural aging of the skin results in decreased production and increased degradation of extracellu ...

Brief information of bombesin Bombesin is a tetradecapeptide which was originally isolated from Bombina Bombina frog skin the ...

  Purotoxin 1, a component from the venom of Geolycosa spiders, exerts selective inhibitory action on P2X3 recep ...

 TC 14012 is a serum-stable derivative of the peptidomimetic T140, which is a cyclic peptide with the structure o ...

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