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Teduglutide is a polypeptide consisting of 33 amino acids. It is glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) analogue that is used for the treatment of short bowel syndrome.
Goserelin acetate stimulates the production of the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen in a non-pulsatile (non-physiological) manner. This causes the disruption of the endogenous hormonal feedback systems, resulting in the down-regulation of testosterone and estrogen production.
Alarelin acetate is a synthetic LH-RH agonist, and stimulates the release of FSH and LH from the pituitary gland. It is known for its induction of ovulation and used to treat endmometriosis.
Atosiban is a nonapeptide, desamino-oxytocin analogue, and a competitive vasopressin/oxytocin receptor antagonist (VOTra). Atosiban is indicated to delay imminent pre-term birth in pregnant adult women. Atosiban is useful in improving the pregnancy outcome of in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer (IVF-ET) in patients with repeated implantation failure (RIF). The pregnancy rate improved from zero to 43.7%.
Fertirelin acetate is a potent LHRH agonist. After a transient increase, continuous administration results in downregulation of LH and FSH levels followed by a suppression of ovarian and testicular steroid biosynthesis.
Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) (1-28), human, porcine is a 28-amino acid hormone, that is normally produced and secreted by the human heart in response to cardiac injury and mechanical stretch. ANP (1-28) inhibits endothelin-1 secretion in a dose-dependent way.
Aviptadil, also known as vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), is a 28 amino acid neuropeptide that belongs to the glucagon-growth hormone-releasing factor secretion superfamily. Aviptadil acts as a potent systemic vasodilator and bronchodilator. It inhibits the proliferation of vascular and bronchial smooth muscle cells and decreases platelet aggregation. These biological effects are mediated by specific VIP receptors.
Octreotide is a somatostatin analog that binds to the somatostatin receptor, mainly subtypes 2, 3, and 5, increases Gi activity, and reduces intracellular cAMP production.